Dear All,
Want to teach the kids our Bhartiya Language? Want them to not only speak, but learn how to Read, Write and Fully Comprehend Our Indian National Language Completely?
Yes We are talking about our very Own
HINDI language !!! :D :D :D
ICC Kids Camp has finally decided after a lot of demand and request by all to Start with
Hindi Classes for the all the kids
:D :D :D
So, Friends all of you who are interest in Learning Hindi, please give in your Names by Friday 11th November so we can start organizing the groups as per ages, levels and number of students in each group. The Starting age will be 5 years and onwards.
Initially classes will be held on every Saturday
For 1hr in the mornings (11.30 to 12.30 noon)
At ICC Pineda Mandir
By Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Bhatt
Price will be 20 Euros per month (with all Material Included)
More groups and timings can be arranged by request with a minimum of 5 kids in the same group.
So please give in your names and ages By Friday 11th November directly to
Mr Sanjeev Kumar Bhatt by either
Phone : 922 717 043
Mobile: 632 524 720
or alternatively
You can also Speak, Call or Whats App Gayna on:
636 307 030
We will have our First Class on Saturday 12th Novemeber
at ICC Pineda Mandir
From 11.30 to 12.30 noon Sharp
If you may have any doubt do not hesitate in contacting us urgently.
So don't miss out on this unique opportunity to teach our kids
Our Very Own Hindi!!